Morning Walk

A year ago, my boyfriend and I were invited by a dear friend to her wedding in Manzanillo, which needless to say was lovely and also gave us the opportunity to enjoy Puerto Viejo. During the day, Puerto Viejo bursts with colors, laughter, the smell of tasty food and good music.

Take a morning walk, and it all seems to change… It’s quiet and lonely, but still beautiful… Seems like I have found “my own personal paradise”. That’s why this is the place we chose to take the blog’s first pictures. And this was our to-do list:

  1. Get invited to a beach wedding in Manzanillo

  2. Drive there with 3 new friends

  3. Laugh and have fun along the way

  4. Include Bob Marley on your trip’s playlist

  5. Sing along “Three Little birds” Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be allright…

  6. When you get to Puerto Viejo, have lunch. Not just any lunch! Rice and beans at Lydia’s

  7. Witness and share an amazing act of love

  8. Eat and then dance barefoot on the sand

  9. Wake up the next morning and take a nice, quiet walk in Puerto Viejo’s beach

  10. And since we are already walking, why not take the first step towards the “starting a blog” project?

Story: Aurola Wedman Alfaro @aurola.wedman

Photography: William Viquez-Mora @willviquez

Beach pants + Top by Aurola Wedman Alfaro


Three little birds- Bob Marley

Como un pájaro- Malpaís